Part IV - Structural Patterns
Structural Patterns
Part IV of "Software Design Patterns in Rust" explores Structural Patterns, crucial for organizing classes and objects into larger structures. The section begins with the Adapter pattern, which allows for the integration of incompatible interfaces by converting one interface to another. It proceeds with the Bridge pattern, which decouples an abstraction from its implementation, allowing both to vary independently, enhancing flexibility and scalability. The Composite pattern is introduced next, facilitating the creation of tree structures where individual objects and compositions can be treated uniformly. The Decorator pattern is examined for its ability to add new responsibilities to objects dynamically without changing their structure. Following this, the Facade pattern simplifies interactions with complex subsystems by providing a unified interface. The Flyweight pattern optimizes resource usage by efficiently sharing objects among clients. Lastly, the Proxy pattern offers a surrogate or placeholder to manage another object’s access and interaction, providing a level of control that can simplify system complexity. This part arms readers with robust strategies for building flexible and maintainable software structures.