Part III - Creational Patterns
Creational Patterns
Part III of "Software Design Patterns in Rust" delves into Creational Patterns, crucial for managing object creation flexibly and efficiently. It opens with the Singleton pattern, ensuring a class has only one instance while providing a global access point. This part then discusses the Factory Method pattern, which allows for the instantiation of objects to be delegated to subclasses, enhancing code extensibility. It proceeds with the Abstract Factory pattern, which aids in creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. The Builder pattern, which facilitates the step-by-step construction of complex objects and keeps the construction process distinct from the final product, is examined next. Lastly, the Prototype pattern is explored for enabling object cloning through a prototype instance, simplifying new object creation based on existing models. This section provides readers with various strategies for object creation, boosting flexibility in software design.